ESIGELEC fosters an environment of inclusivity, innovation and personal growth.

We pride ourselves on being a small and warm community that feels like a home away from home. At ESIGELEC, you will cross paths with students from across the world. You will be mentored by an expert faculty that is dedicatedly invested in you. You will grow to embrace challenges and mould yourself into a dynamic individual, ready to take on the professional world.

Because of the school’s proximity to the spirited French capital, you will find yourself at the epicentre of culture, language, art and technology. Travel across Europe, build new networks and find your tribe, while your graduate study experience presents boundless opportunities for a purpose-driven future.

Bonjour from our Director

Bonjour from our Director

Welcome to ESIGELEC, welcome to Rouen!

Our students love many things about the school! For some, it’s the practical approach of our teaching methodology, others thrive in the range of clubs and societies they can join, while for some others it’s the French style of living.

But all of them enjoy being a part of the ESIGELEC family.

If it is engineering education you seek to pursue, we have a range of
programs, across levels that you will find interesting.

Do visit us in person or virtually; we’ll be happy to show you around.

Choosing the right institution and the right program will go a long way in the journey that you are about to embark on and we hope that you will be a part of our community.

Allow me to congratulate you on your decision to further your education and enhance your life.

Best wishes,
Dr. Etienne Craye

Our International Relations
Director says Hello

Our International Relations Director says Hello

We thank you for your interest in ESIGELEC!

An international experience in your youth is one you will always cherish,
for many reasons: an exposure to world-class teaching methods, an
immersive experience in a new culture, an opportunity to learn and
speak different languages, and a foray into global career opportunities,
among others. Rouen is a delightful French city – just a two-hour train
ride away from Paris – that will allow you to soak in the authentic
French life!

At ESIGELEC, a third of our students come from outside France and
enrich our community! It is our endeavour to build competencies for
technology graduates that will help them succeed in the
interconnected world we live in.

Coming to academics, we offer a variety of opportunities of study that are internationally recognised: a flagship 5-year French Engineering Program, Masters Programs taught entirely in English and PhD programs in partnership with the University of Rouen.

Our research lab IRSEEM, gives our students a first-hand experience of state-of-the-art facilities and ground-breaking advances in technology.

Our website and our online application portal (ESIGELEC ONESTOP) are designed to help international students with:

International student admissions

Fees and scholarships

Housing information

Immigration/Visa advisement

Online French language training

Airport pickup services

Orientation Week

and much more…
You are welcome here, at ESIGELEC – today and always.

Cyril Marteaux
Director, International Relations

ESIGELEC 360 | A Walkthrough

A huge (and perhaps, the most important) part of graduate study is to find a school and a
community that aligns with your personal and professional goals.

We have so much to offer at ESIGELEC.

Explore away!



A high-tech, fun study environment!

The ESIGELEC Environment

The ESIGELEC Environment

From classroom to workshop. From student to potential entrepreneur.

ESIGELEC & Society

ESIGELEC & Society

Bringing meaning to education with the gift of giving back.

Student Clubs at ESIGELEC

Student Clubs at ESIGELEC

Enrich your life as a student. Find what you love and do more of it with your peers.

ESIGELEC | History & Purpose

ESIGELEC | History & Purpose

While you were born to fly, we were born to give you the wings to soar. Learn about our Why, What and How.


ESIGELEC moved to the Technopole du Madrillet, just an hour away from Paris, in April 2004, at the southern entrance of Rouen. Its campus, spread over 3 hectares and making up an area of 16,000 sq.mts, has received two architectural awards. Well-equipped classrooms for different batch sizes, state-of-the art labs, a well-stocked library, a cafeteria, the greenery surrounding the campus, and various meeting points for students, make your day on campus a productive and fun-filled one.

The campus comprises 5 amphitheatres, of 420, 250, 250, 120 and 100 seats respectively, 14 seminar halls, 10 labs and 5 research rooms, a self-service language multimedia system and a library with more than 6000 books, periodicals and journals. A second building is entirely dedicated to the business services, and a third one comprises the IRSEEM research facility. Top notch testing and measurement facilities are made available to researchers at the Innovation Transfer facility and on the technological platforms in the Embedded Systems Integration Campus (CISE). Students get first-hand experience by way of practical training, using these facilities.

Robust information systems to stay connected!

The campus is Wi-Fi enabled and several student services are digitised: collaborative platforms like Google applications, online courses, the academic calendar and course time-tables are all available at the click of a button. A robust administrative platform handles admissions, attendance, online payments, scores, reports, resit exams, attestations and access for parents to the scores and attendance of the students.

Robust information systems to stay connected!

The ESIGELEC Environment

Surround yourself with innovation and inspiration

The practical environment at ESIGELEC is designed to make learning relevant, tangible and hands-on. With state-of-the-art laboratories, dedicated workstations, new tools, digital libraries, non-technical projects and modern teaching models, we want our students to strive towards innovation and develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Every department (technical and non-technical) is equipped to help you apply your knowledge and skills, and experiment with learning differently.

The ESIGELEC Environment

Go on and discover our facilities and initiatives

Information and Communication Technologies

Information and Communication Technologies

Embedded Systems & Instrumentation

Embedded Systems & Instrumentation

Electronics and Telecommunications

Electronics and Telecommunications

Electrical and Energy Engineering

Electrical and
Energy Engineering

Humanities and Management

Humanities and

The ESIG Lab

The ESIG Lab

Student Clubs at ESIGELEC

Student Clubs at ESIGELEC

Get the most out of your experience as a grad student

University life is all about finding your passions, finding your tribe and mostly, just finding yourself. Here is where you channelize your interests, usher in distinctive perspectives and enrich your life experiences.

Our student clubs are attuned to help you shape skills that truly make you life- ready – be it leadership, management, teamwork, networking or learning about divergent cultural backgrounds. When you seize the opportunity of being part of a club, you undergo a subconscious transformation that goes beyond your academic pursuits.

You can expect to make new friends, discover your passions, and learn a life lesson or two, all while having a lot of fun and feeling part of a close community.

ESIGELEC and Society

Government authorities in France encourage educational institutions to play an active role in society and we at ESIGELEC are committed to it. Whether it is improving the ratio of female students, providing facilities for individuals with special needs or providing scholarships for certain student audiences, we are doing our best. Sustainable actions are well and truly a part of everything we do at ESIGELEC, and all our actions are four-fold – with commitment, performance, respect and mutual- assistance.

ESIGELEC and Society
  • Gender Equality

  • Disability Inclusion

  • Student Initiatives

Gender Equality

ESIGELEC, a signatory to the gender equality in educational institutions chartered with the education board of Rouen, has at all times, reinforced its commitment to gender equality. Over the last ten years, there has been a significant rise in the number of female students interested in engineering studies in our school and we intend to keep this going. On March the 8th, each year, Women’s Day, a talk on why engineering is a good career option for women is organised jointly by ESIGELEC, INSA-Rouen, CEIS, ESITPA and the education board of Rouen. Similar events are also conducted by ESIGELEC in conjunction with Elles Bougent, an organisation that works towards the same cause.


Gender Equality

ESIGELEC, a signatory to the gender equality in educational institutions chartered with the education board of Rouen, has at all times, reinforced its commitment to gender equality. Over the last ten years, there has been a significant rise in the number of female students interested in engineering studies in our school and we intend to keep this going. On March the 8th, each year, Women’s Day, a talk on why engineering is a good career option for women is organised jointly by ESIGELEC, INSA-Rouen, CEIS, ESITPA and the education board of Rouen. Similar events are also conducted by ESIGELEC in conjunction with Elles Bougent, an organisation that works towards the same cause.

Gender Equality

ESIGELEC, a signatory to the gender equality in educational institutions chartered with the education board of Rouen, has at all times, reinforced its commitment to gender equality. Over the last ten years, there has been a significant rise in the number of female students interested in engineering studies in our school and we intend to keep this going. On March the 8th, each year, Women’s Day, a talk on why engineering is a good career option for women is organised jointly by ESIGELEC, INSA-Rouen, CEIS, ESITPA and the education board of Rouen. Similar events are also conducted by ESIGELEC in conjunction with Elles Bougent, an organisation that works towards the same cause.

Purpose & History

Our Mission


We strive to foster academic, professional and personal success of our student community through conscientious and ethical delivery of education.

Our Mission


ESIGELEC provides a platform where world-class engineering education is imparted to youth from diverse backgrounds, with a view to produce sought-after graduates and researchers in knowledge, innovation and creativity, without compromising on individual and societal inclusion, to influence the world.

Purpose & History



  • Preparatory Cycle launched in Minsk, in Belarus
  • Groupe Renault mentors the Class of 2022
  • Launch of the Specialised Joint-Master’s Program CESI – Manager Industrie du Future


  • ESIGELEC becomes a part of the Rouen Autonomous Lab – autonomous vehicle research project
  • ORANGE mentor the Class of 2021
  • COFRAC accreditation for ESIGELEC’s Compatibilité Electromagnétique platform and trials
  • Inauguration of the Girls Lounge in partnership with SAP
  • Célébration des 10 ans des 2 cordées de la réussite menées par l’ESIGELEC


  • Partnership agreement with Comue Normandie Université
  • ESIGELEC wins 2nd position at the ARGOS Robotics international competition, organised by TOTAL and I’ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche)
  • Vinci Energies mentors the Class of 2020
  • Inauguration of the Girls Lounge in partnership with SAP
  • Célébration des 10 ans des 2 cordées de la réussite menées par l’ESIGELEC


  • EESPIG (Etablissement d’Enseignement Supérieur Privé d’intérêt Général) label from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research
  • HCERES (Haut Conseil de l’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur) Audit: IRSEEM, ESIGELEC’s research lab is de recherche de l’ESIGELEC, labellisé « équipe d’accueil en co-tutelle avec l’Université de Rouen Normandie⟫
  • ESIGELEC’S Master’s degrees in Electronics Embedded Systems and in Information Systems become a National Master’s Degree (MST) and are awarded in association with INSA de Rouen

  • ESIGELEC becomes a member of UGEI (Union des Grandes Ecoles Indépendantes)
  • ESIGELEC becomes a member of Concours Avenir (recruitment after high school)
  • Preparatory Cycle launched in Sri Lanka, in Colombo, in association with AIC, American International Campus
  • Inauguration of the Girls Lounge in partnership with SAP
  • Célébration des 10 ans des 2 cordées de la réussite menées par l’ESIGELEC


  • Teaching reforms begin to professionalise the training offered at ESIGELEC and to give students greater exposure to research, entrepreneurship and internationalisation
  • Mondial Mov’eo dedicated to mobility of the future is housed at ESIGELEC

Connect with a

The Grad school experience is best understood from the perspective of former or current students. Hear from them first-hand on what life and study at ESIGELEC look like, whether you are researching, have applied with us or are soon to join us in France.

Contact Us

We are here to answer your questions and address any concerns you
may have about your admissions or enrollment. Our team is happy to
help you choose the right program or assist you with your online

Please note, all applications must be submitted online at ESIGELEC ONESTOP

Feel free to contact us at:

+33 2 32915858

Technopole Du Madrillet, Avenue Galilée 76800 Saint-Etienne Du Rouvray, France

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